Huiqi Deng

Huiqi Deng

Postdoctoral fellow

Shanghai Jiao Tong University


I am a postdoctoral fellow at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, under the supervision of Prof. Quanshi Zhang. I received my PH.D. degree from Sun Yat-Sen University.

My research interest mainly focuses on explainable AI, which involves two perspectives: (1) Semantic explanation, to make human understand why a DNN makes a certain prediction; (2) Mathematical explanation, to investigate and explain the representation capacity of DNN. Our ultimate goal is to bulid an explainable, safe, and controllable AI.

Download my resumé.

  • Explainable AI
  • Adversarial Robustness
  • Causal Learning
  • PhD in Applied Mathematics, 2015-2021

    Sun Yat-Sen University

  • BSc in Applied Mathematics, 2021-2015

    Central China Normal University

Research Experience

  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Postdoctoral Fellow.
  • Texas A & M University, Visiting student.
  • HongKong Bapatist University, Research Assistant

Selected Publications

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(2021). Discovering and Explaining the Representation Bottleneck of DNNs. arxiv 2021.

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(2021). A General Taylor Framework for Unifying and Revisiting Attribution Methods. arxiv 2021.


(2021). Mutual Information Preserving Back-propagation Learn to Invert for Faithful Attribution. KDD 2021.


(2021). A Unified Taylor Framework for Revisiting Attribution Methods. AAAI 2021.


(2020). Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on dynamic time warping distance. PR 2020.


Academic Talks

  • [2021] IJCAI 2021 Tutorial on Interpretability
  • [2021] The Eighth Issue of “Artificial Intelligence Security and Privacy” Series Forum.
  • [2021] The nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.